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Finale Kapitel der Kampagne nächste Woche verfügbar

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Kurz vor der Veröffentlich von Patch 9.2 wurde das letzte und finale Kapitel in Zereth Mortis entfernt. Nun wissen wir aber, dass dies wohl nur der Geheimhaltung der Inhalte gedient hatte.

In der kommenden Woche, also zu den Wartungsarbeiten am 30.03.2022, wird die das letzte Kapitel zum Spielen verfügbar. Das Kapitel nennt sich “Judgement” und dient als Epilog der Kampagne in Patch 9.2.

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Pelagos: Sylvanas Windrunner. There can be no true justice without compassion and I can see your deeds bear the mark of the Jailer’s influence, an influence we failed to contain.
Pelagos: Then you know in your heart to whom you must answer, in trusting justice to your most fervent adversary.
Pelagos: Are there any gathered here who object to this fate.
Pelagos: So be it.
Sylvanas: The Jailer did not control me. Death would be a merciful end Tyrande. However long it takes.
Tyrande: What game do you play now Banshee?
Tyrande: The Sylvanas I hunted would never submit to the blade of her enemy. Your newfound remorse might be genuine. There will be no peace for you Windrunner.
Tyrande: The prisoner is in my charge now.
Tyrande: Below lies the Maw. Every Soul lost in its depths, betrayed or condemned, you should find and send forth to the Arbiter. You will toil there under Dori’thur’s watchful eye. This is how you shall bring renewal to your victims. <Darnassian>, old friend. Watch her well.
Pelagos: The time for your judgment is at hand.
Sylvanas: My actions were mine alone and I accept their consequences and I do not expect your mercy.
Tyrande: But it can never erase all you have done. Until there is peace for the souls of your victims.
Tyrande: Bring her.
Tyrande: An unjust fate to which you doomed so many. And it will be there that your penance begins. To be judged with the compassion all souls deserve. Scouring every darkened reach until the final soul is free and you are all that remains and my people.
Tyrande: It shall be done.

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